Emergency and Security Lighting
Anybody who knows anything about deterring burglars and especially home security will inform you that lighting is a vital feature of protecting yourself and your property. Interior lighting is important, but outdoor lighting is essential for home security. Many people ignore the fact that a good outdoor lighting system is the first line of defense against an intruder, they appear to believe that they can rely solely on the interior burglar alarm. However, the best method of deterring burglars is preventing them from getting onto your property in the first place. It is a well-known fact that many people do not react to a neighbor’s security alarm going off because there are so many false alarms. The difference with outdoor lighting is, that as the would be burglar enters your property, a spotlight will come on, automatically catching the intruder in a powerful beam, which is the last thing that any burglar would want, especially if there is a CCTV video camera there as well. If your house appears too secure, a burglar may decide that your garage is an easier target. Ask us about our open door automatic lighting system and if your garage can be retrofitted to accommodate it.