(708) 361-1555

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Are Criminals Hiding in Your Yard?


Sad but true. Tough times increase crimes. When families are worried about “Taking care of their own, ” there are quite a few others who want to help themselves to something of yours. So how do you protect yourself, your family, your home? Actually, there is something specific you can do, and we can help you make that happen.

The first line of defense of any household security system is lighting. It only makes sense. Shadows are a criminal’s best friend – covering up their misdeeds and giving them protection from watchful eyes. But light removes the shadows, takes away dark hiding places and causes criminals to flee.

With intelligent security from SAFE Electrical, you’ll enjoy peace of mind – while you’re home or away. Plus, intense lighting in special spots protects your own safety. A simple stumble can cause serious injury to anyone of any age, but a well-lit path is a big step for avoiding these very missteps.

Landscape lighting also beautifies your surroundings and gives a welcome feel for your visitors – and with timers and motion sensors – also for you returning from a long day’s work.

To learn more, please give us a call and let us give you a quick, free consult on security and landscape lighting options. No charge at all. Pretty good deal, huh? And let’s make sure anyone who isn’t scared of the dark … is scared of the light!

Contact Us or Call, Because Your Safety is Worth It! 708-361-1555


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