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Beat The Stormy Weather With Surge Protection


Chicago, IL (EMZM) June 19, 2012

Summer brings an increase in storm activity across the United States.  While you may not live in a state that is prone to hurricanes, tornados and thunderstorms occur almost nationwide—and cost thousands of dollars each year in damage and lost goods.

Your home insurance will typically cover damage caused by winds and lightening.  But most insurances do not cover the expensive electronics in your home that are destroyed by power surges during storms.  And not just possessions are ruined.  Outlets, light switches, bulbs, and air conditioner components can receive irreparable damage.

Does that mean you’re at the mercy of the weather?  Hardly.  Eriks Kancs from SAFE Electrical Service, “The best protection is prevention.  Meaning, you may not be able to insure your electronics, but you can ensure that they are protected to the best of your ability through home surge protection devices.”

These devices fall into two categories – point-of-use surge protection and service entrance surge protection.

“Point-of-use surge protectors help protect appliances and equipment from power surges created within the home.  You can get them at most electronics stores from $20 to $100, and simply plug them into your electrical outlets,” Kancs continues, “However, service entrance surge protection is more complicated.  It protects the entire electrical system including plugs, switches, and motors.  But installation of these devices requires a qualified electrician, and if you want to install the device at the meter, you must have the permission of the utility company.”

Who provides your service is almost as important as the service they provide.  That’s why in order to help local residents prepare for the storm season, SAFE Electrical Service is offering the free report “5 Things to Look For When Hiring An Electrical Contractor” to homeowners.  Just call SAFE Electrical Service at 708-361-1555 and they’ll send it along.

Remember, whether you opt for total system protection or simply point-of-source devices, surge protection is a measure that can save hundreds or even thousands of dollars in appliance and equipment replacement costs.  And uninterrupted comfort is priceless.

About SAFE Electrical Service (www.SafeElectricalService.com)
SAFE Electrical Service, located in Chicago, IL, is an electrical contractor with over 20 years’ experience in residential and commercial electrical service.


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